Temporary changes in train routes: most flights move to the Southern Railway Station
In connection with the reconstruction of the "Textilshchik-Tashkent" passenger railroad section, the state-owned company "Uzbekistan temir yollari" has decided to temporarily change the point of departure of most trains.
According to the company's subsidiary "Uztemiryuliulovchi", from July 15 to August 15, 2024, most trains, including high-speed trains "Afrosiyob" and "Shark", will depart from Tashkent's South Station.
These changes will not affect Almaty - Tashkent - Almaty, Tashkent - Novosibirsk - Tashkent, Tashkent - Samara - Tashkent and city trains Tashkent - Khojikent - Tashkent.
The reconstruction is aimed at improving the capacity of the railroad tracks and ensuring uninterrupted movement of freight trains in the future. For the convenience of passengers, ticket offices at both stations will be open twenty-four hours a day. Tickets will be available for purchase both at the stations and electronically.
For passengers who mistakenly arrive at the North Station, a free bus transfer to the South Station will be organized. Also, additional waiting areas and control points will be created at the South Station to ensure comfortable service.
Earlier it was reported that tickets for high-speed trains in Uzbekistan will go up in price for the second time since the beginning of the year.