Joint efforts of participants in the tourism industry of Uzbekistan are helping to overcome the consequences of the pandemic.
Estimates of the estimated damage to the global economy from the coronavirus pandemic vary, but there is no doubt that tourism is one of the hardest hit industries. Tourism is among the sectors hardest hit by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to date. According to UNWTO estimates, losses in 2020 amount to approximately $ 1.2 trillion. and these numbers continue to rise.
As for the restoration of the tourism sector, the countries where the coverage of the pandemic was not so large, and where there is also a sanitary readiness to receive guests, has the most chances of a quick exit from the crisis.
That is why the Association of private tourism agencies of Uzbekistan (APTA), in partnership with a number of organizations, launched a charitable action "From a Pure Heart", the main task of which is to support representatives of the country's tourism industry in this difficult period and the main focus is on increasing the degree of sanitary and epidemiological protection. As experts emphasize, preventive measures are the most effective tool for counteracting any infectious diseases. As part of this action, the hotels received protective equipment and antiseptics from the Tashkent International Clinic. And representatives of the "Olympic Tour Service" carried out disinfection measures for accommodation facilities (lobby and restaurant of the hotel).
As a result of the charity event, such cities as Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent were covered, which in total included more than 40 hotels.