As part of the implementation of the MOST project - “Model for Sustainable Tourism in Central Asia: Building Potential, Awareness Raising, Technology Implementation”, which was carried out with the financial support of the European Union under the SWITCH-ASIA program, great successes and positive results were achieved.
The project gave a powerful impetus to the development of sustainable tourism in Uzbekistan. For the effective implementation of the project, a comprehensive action plan was developed, consisting of several components:
✅ educational (training seminars, publication of training manuals);
✅ block for improving professional competencies (networking, round tables, international conference);
✅providing technical support (providing “smart” meters and sensors);
✅ implementation of eco-certification according to international eco-standards (ISO 14001:2015, HCMI, CSR)
✅information and popularization (participation in exhibitions, release of booklets, participation on television, radio broadcasts, etc.).
It should be emphasized that APTA experts and project specialists took an active part in the life of the Project; MOST became a unique and useful experience.
Our members and partners learned about new trends in tourism, in particular sustainable tourism. Today we can safely say that thanks to extensive work within the framework of the MOST Project, the tourism industry in Uzbekistan has reached a fundamentally new level of tourism development in the country and began to keep up with the times.
This Project has become a unique opportunity to remind everyone how important it is to know about global climate change, environmental problems, and how important it is to protect natural resources and cultural heritage.
Educational events
In order to increase awareness among representatives of the tourism business, training sessions, seminars and webinars were organized within the framework of the Project in Khorezm, Bukhara, Samarkand regions and the city of Tashkent. More than 730 representatives of tourism enterprises attended the following seminars:
- “Training representatives of the hotel business in sustainable tourism marketing”;
- "Green Technologies";
- “Sustainable planning and environmental protection in the tourism sector of the Republic of Uzbekistan”;
- “Identification of problems in sustainable planning and environmental protection in the tourism sector”;
- “New Horizons: Expanding Cooperation in the Field of Green Technologies. Ecological certification".
A series of webinars for representatives of the tourism industry and hoteliers within the framework of the MOST project in Tashkent, Samarkand, Urgench, Bukhara on the topic: “Adaptation of EU environmental standards: Sustainable tourism criteria of the World Sustainable Tourism Council, relevant standards and “green” procurement for tourism SMEs” were successfully completed.
Improving professional competencies
With the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the SWITCH-ASIA program and the MOST project, methodological support was provided to tourism organizations. Guidelines have been published: “Policy recommendations, improving the legislative framework in the field of sustainable tourism”, “Transfer of EU best practices in the field of tourism for Central Asian countries”, “Guidelines on sustainable consumption and rational use of water, energy, recycling and energy behavior, as well as on how to be a responsible traveler in general."
Within the framework of the MOST project, round tables were held on such topics as “Environmental certification procedures and issues of sustainable tourism management” - challenges and expectations at the national level”; “Identification of problems in sustainable planning and environmental protection in the tourism sector”, organized by APTA within the framework of the European Union initiative of the SWITCH-ASIA program.
On February 2, 2023, a ZOOM conference of the Steering Committee of the MOST Project “Model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia: capacity building, awareness raising, implementation of technologies of the European Union SWITCH-ASIA Program” was held.
The online conference was attended by the representative of the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan Kuchkarov Donier, Project Manager Professor Gian Andrea P. Garancini, partners of the European Union SWITCH-ASIA Program for the above Project from Greece, Latvia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. During the meeting, the parties discussed implementation issues and the results of the Project - completed tasks.
Also, on March 27, 2023, an international conference was held in Tashkent - “Development of a sustainable tourism model - the path to increasing tourism potential.”
The conference was attended by more than 160 specialists, in particular, international experts, partners of the MOST project - Heraklion Development Agency (Crete, Greece), European Profiles S.A. (Greece), APNTECH (Cyprus), Latvian Rural Tourism Association, the final beneficiaries of the EU grant are the Association of Private Tourism Organizations of Uzbekistan, the Eurasian Tourism Association (Kazakhstan), the Tajik Association of Tourism Organizations, as well as representatives of the tourism industry, local and foreign media.
As part of the events for the International Conference on March 29 of this year in Samarkand in the International at the Silk Road National University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, a meeting was organized with representatives of the Project’s partner organizations.
The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Association of Private Tourism Agencies of Uzbekistan Gulchehra Isroilova, the Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture of Greece Papayanidis Dimitris, as well as representatives of partner organizations of the MOST project from Greece, Cyprus, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. The parties discussed the development of a sustainable tourism model and the introduction of “green” technologies in the field of tourism.
Providing technical support
Representatives of the tourism industry were also provided with technical support, provided with energy/water consumption meters, as well as sensors for recording and monitoring conditions in the premises.
The accommodation facilities are equipped with smart meters – Shelly 3EM (professional three-phase electricity meter) and Shelly H&T (humidity and temperature sensor with Wi-Fi). Their installation was carried out free of charge, at the request of the managers of accommodation facilities and travel companies, and were initiated by the Hotel Carbon Change Initiative (HCMI).
Introduction of eco-certification according to international eco-standards (ISO 14001:2015, HCMI, CSR)
The accommodation facilities are equipped with smart meters – Shelly 3EM (professional three-phase electricity meter) and Shelly H&T (humidity and temperature sensor with Wi-Fi). Their installation was carried out free of charge, at the request of the managers of accommodation facilities and travel companies, and were initiated by the Hotel Carbon Change Initiative (HCMI).
In addition, software technologies have been introduced for data management for environmental certification purposes, training has been organized on GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) and green procurement criteria to improve competitiveness, eco-certification according to standards such as ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System), HCMI (Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative), CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).
The introduction of eco-programs into the hospitality industry will allow tourism organizations not only to take care of the environment and rationally use natural resources, but is also a powerful marketing “green” tool to stimulate growth in profitability, profitability and increase competitiveness.
The presence of eco-certification has a positive effect on the image of the hotel business and serves to increase guest loyalty. Thanks to this, tour operators and tourists are beginning to choose such hotels for cooperation more often, which helps to generate additional profits.
PR campaign
A large-scale PR campaign was carried out as part of the Project. National television channels have aired educational television programs about sustainable tourism, published articles in the country's leading media, and launched sweepstakes and quizzes that increase interest in sustainable tourism and green technologies.
The concept of sustainable tourism is incredibly important. It is necessary to constantly remember the rational use of resources, careful treatment of nature and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Of course, the concept of sustainable tourism has become very important for our country. Work on developing this type of tourism will continue. In particular, today’s travelers and representatives of the tourism industry will continue to develop eco-habits, which will subsequently become long-term for the successful functioning of the tourism industry in the future.